Israel & The Occupied Palestinian Territories

Israel & The Occupied Palestinian Territories

Resources for Staff Responding to Events in Israel and The Occupied Palestinian Territories

We are making translations of some resources freely available to help organizations support their staff who are responding to the current events in Israel & Gaza. You can visit our full staff care resource library here.

This page contains a selection of our resources in English, Arabic, and Hebrew. To find specific resources:

  • Click on the TOPIC drop-down to find resources on specific topics
  • Click on the LANGUAGE drop-down to find resources in different languages
  • Click on the SUITABLE FOR drop-down to find resources for ‘managers’ or ‘all staff’
  • Click on Reset to clear your filters and begin a new search
  • Click on the green VIEW button in the LINK column to view and download resources
  • You can also use the SEARCH box to search for specific terms

TitleTopicLanguageSuitable forLinkhf:doc_categorieshf:doc_tagshf:tax:dlp_document_suitable-for
Supporting Staff In Isolated And Hazardous SituationsEnglishManagersinsecure-environmentsenglishmanagers
10 Tips For Supporting Staff After Traumatic EventsEnglishManagerstraumatic-eventsenglishmanagers
Managing Stress During Evacuation, EnglishAll Staffdeployment insecure-environmentsenglishall-staff
What Is Counseling And How Can It Help Me, , EnglishAll Staffmental-health staff-care traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
Guidance For Staff In Isolated And Hazardous SituationsEnglishAll Staffinsecure-environmentsenglishall-staff
Supporting Staff During Evacuation, Displacement, or Shelter In Place Orders, EnglishManagersdeployment insecure-environmentsenglishmanagers
Coping With An Insecure Environment, HebrewAll Staffinsecure-environments pandemicshebrewall-staff
10 Tips For Supporting Staff After Traumatic EventsHebrewManagerstraumatic-eventshebrewmanagers
Maintaining Wellbeing During DisplacementEnglishAll Staffinsecure-environmentsenglishall-staff
Maintaining Wellbeing During DisplacementArabicAll Staffinsecure-environmentsarabicall-staff
[VIDEO] Coping In An Insecure Environment, EnglishAll Staffinsecure-environments pandemicsenglishall-staff
Effective Self-Care During Uncertain Times, EnglishAll Staffinsecure-environments pandemicsenglishall-staff
Effective Self-Care During Uncertain Times, ArabicAll Staffinsecure-environments pandemicsarabicall-staff
Coping With An Insecure Environment, ArabicAll Staffinsecure-environments pandemicsarabicall-staff
Coping With An Insecure Environment, EnglishAll Staffinsecure-environments pandemicsenglishall-staff
Understanding And Coping With Vicarious Trauma, ArabicAll Stafftraumatic-events vicarious-traumaarabicall-staff
[VIDEO] Understanding And Coping With Vicarious Trauma, EnglishAll Stafftraumatic-events vicarious-traumaenglishall-staff
Understanding And Coping With Vicarious Trauma, EnglishAll Stafftraumatic-events vicarious-traumaenglishall-staff
[VIDEO] What Is Counseling And How Can It Help Me, , EnglishAll Staffmental-health staff-care traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
What Is Counseling And How Can It Help Me, , ArabicAll Staffmental-health staff-care traumatic-eventsarabicall-staff
Psychological Impact Of Natural Disaster And Mass Casualty, EnglishAll Staffinsecure-environments traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
[VIDEO] Ways To Stay Calm In An Emergency, EnglishAll Staffinsecure-environments traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
Ways To Stay Calm In An Emergency, EnglishAll Staffinsecure-environments traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
Ways To Stay Calm In An Emergency, ArabicAll Staffinsecure-environments traumatic-eventsarabicall-staff
[VIDEO] Coping With Grief And Loss, EnglishAll Staffgrief-and-loss traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
Coping With Grief And Loss, ArabicAll Staffgrief-and-loss traumatic-eventsarabicall-staff
Helping Children Cope With Traumatic Events, ArabicAll Staffchildren-and-family traumatic-eventsarabicall-staff
Coping With Grief And Loss, EnglishAll Staffgrief-and-loss traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
Helping Children Cope With Traumatic Events, EnglishAll Staffchildren-and-family traumatic-eventsenglishall-staff
[VIDEO] 10 Tips For Supporting Staff After Traumatic EventsEnglishManagerstraumatic-eventsenglishmanagers
10 Tips For Supporting Staff After Traumatic EventsArabicManagerstraumatic-eventsarabicmanagers