KonTerra Evaluation Contracting Options

KonTerra Evaluation Contracting Options

The KonTerra Group has over fifteen years of experience, contracting as a Small Business, to support any array of clients, including humanitarian and development organizations, commercial clients, government entities, and international organizations.

From conducting evaluations of donor funded projects, to comprehensive staff care and organizational resilience services, KonTerra offers clients a number of flexible contracting options, across sectors and around the world.

United States Government Agencies

General Services Administration (GSA)

Multiple Award Schedule (2012-2027) CONTRACT #FS10F0418Y

Through this contracting mechanism, any agency in the Federal government (as well as United National and National Organizations Active in Disaster-NVOAD) can procure KonTerra’s services for management or strategy consulting, staff care and resilience, professional counseling, and behavioral health services, including:

  • Professional counseling
  • Resilience coaching & training
  • Building resilient teams
  • Strengthening individual and organizational resilience
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Vocational and psycho-social rehabilitation
  • Critical incident response/management
  • Evaluations, studies, analyses, scenarios/simulations, reports, strategy formulation
  • Facilitation and related decision support services
  • Survey services, using a variety of methodologies, including survey planning, design, and development

United Nations Agencies

World Food Programme

Long-Term Agreements for the Supply of Evaluation Services [HQ20NF463-LTA-15; HQ20NF464-LTA-12; HQ20NF465-LTA-19]

Provision of an indefinite quantity of high-quality centralized evaluation services (Country Strategic Plans, Corporate Emergency, Strategic, Policy, and Syntheses) for WFP’s Office of Evaluation (OEV) as well as decentralized evaluation services commissioned by WFP Country Offices, Regional Bureau and other headquarters divisions. All evaluations follow OEV’s guidance on independence, impartiality, and credibility, as well as its quality assurance system. These are three-year agreements (2021 – 2023). At WFP’s discretion, the LTAs can be extended for an additional two years.

Peacebuilding Support Office

Professional Services to Conduct Evaluations and Other Related Services for Two Offices within the United Nations Secretariat (PBSO) [PD/C0163/19]

Provision of inception/scoping exercises for humanitarian evaluations, evaluation of peacebuilding programs and evaluability assessments as requested. These address performance (effectiveness, efficiency, impact), assess good practice for future improvement and provide actionable recommendations at operational as well as strategic levels.

UNICEF ESARO (Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office)

Long Term Arrangement to Conduct Regional and Country Based Program and Thematic Evaluations [LLTS 42105483]

Provision of country-based and regional evaluations in the Eastern and Southern Africa region. These evaluations focus on one or several development issues addressed by UNICEF (e.g. health, nutrition, education, WASH, child protection, etc.), cross-cutting principles, themes and implementation modalities (e.g. gender equality, communication for development, early childhood development, etc.), or country contexts (e.g. humanitarian action, middle-income countries, etc.).

UNICEF Pakistan

Evaluation, Research and Studies [LTA # 42419539]

Provision of evaluations, research and studies as per UNICEF evaluation and research plan. Production of high quality evaluation, research and studies in following key programmatic and thematic areas: Child protection, Education, Early childhood development, Adolescent development, Gender, Health, Nutrition, Social Policy (social protection, public finance for children and child poverty), Social and Behavioural Change (SBC), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH). Cross cutting areas: Skills, employability, disabilities, urbanization, digital and climate change, refugee and migrant population.

International Labour Organization (ILO)

Centralized and decentralized evaluations [LTA # RFP 12/2023 EVAL]

Provision of evaluation services undertaken by the evaluation office for the conduct of individual evaluation assignments, including quality assurance assignments that will be defined and contracted through specific engagements.


Strategic and thematic evaluations [LTA # 2022_FA_045]

Provision of Global Strategic or Thematic Evaluations. Organization-wide policy, strategy, framework or thematic area of corporate significance to UNHCR. May also evaluate institutional practices, systems and processes related to organizational effectiveness and efficiency; or a function or service within UNHCR. Cuts across geographies (one, several or all regions), addresses an area of significant investment or strategic importance to UNHCR.

International Committee of the Red Cross

Evaluation Service Framework Agreement [RFP-2022-01]

Provision of independent evaluations under the scope of the ICRC Institutional Strategy Implementation Roadmap. These include centralized evaluations commissioned by the Evaluation Office and may also include decentralized evaluations commissioned by other parts of the organization.