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700 12th Street NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005
We are delighted to announce that The KonTerra Group has been selected to conduct the first Pilot Cohort Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI) Evaluation of the PBF. This innovative exercise responds to the new PBF Evaluation Policy (2022) which calls to conduct Cohort Evaluation of projects below or equal $1.5 million. The assignment will entail the first pilot of such a Cohort Evaluation, which aims to provide a meta-review of 29 2020-approved GYPI projects (all below or equal to $1.5 million) with an aim to distill common trends and lessons learned, providing recommendations to the PBF and its fund recipients.
We are thrilled to count with an excellent team led by Fernanda Faria, with evaluators Margaret Stansberry and Jane Burke.
The KonTerra Group specializes in staff care, organizational resilience, and evaluation services to enhance well being and improve performance for those working in high-stress environments or roles.
700 12th Street NW
Suite 700
Washington, DC 20005